for the past six months i have been JASON M in the musical 'four little wheels' touring japan with some of the most amazing and talented people i know. here are some highlights of the last show. over the course of six moths, zippy turned 6 years old about 40 times!! it was a birthday party to remember!! i am going to miss those pants!! to my fellow cast-mates, a big ARIGATO for a great run!! to my friends and family who came and saw the show (some driving hours and hours to see the show, some saving money to pay for a train ticket, and some sitting through it FOUR times, just because i wanted them there). i am looking forward to more shows in the future and anticipate great things in 2009!!
a few friends and i decided to enjoy the autumn colors a few weeks ago. we were amazed at the leaves in the mountains and in the temples we were visiting. the blue sky created a perfect canvas to the orange and yellow and red paintings. i wish we could get snow next!!