a hugely belated birthday shout to my homeboy Z!! one of the coolest cats in town, and one of my bestest buddies- is a dy-no-mite daddy, handsome husband, and silly sybling.
let me give you a few insights into our unique relationship.
being the bratty big brother that i am, told him that he was adopted... numerous times! looking back i am surprized he didnt have to go therapy for all of the trauma i caused!!
he had an autographed george brett baseball--- to which i added my own autograph... he wasnt happy.
not too long ago- i was riding in his jeep and saw a container labled "tattoo goo" and had to ask. he casually informed me that it was to keep the color of his newly acquired, well, body art (?!!) looking fresh. WHAT?!! he said to not tell dad. trying to make-up for the years of guilt of telling him he was adopted (etc) i decided it was the least i could do. for the moment... a few days later i was shopping with dad and was trying on a sweater. while taking it off, my own shirt came up and kev saw my belly-button ring and right there in younkers declares "you got your belly-button pierced??!!"
deer in the headlights.
cotton mouth.
mind racing 100 miles per hour- mouth paralyzed.
panic stricken.
the first thing that came out of my mouth was "zac got a tattoo!!" which was repeated in the form of a question by big kev. no joke- not 2 minutes later kev's cell rings- it is zac- dad picks up with- not 'hello'-- not 'hi zac'-- not 'nice to hear from you...' but with "you got a tattoo??!!" the phone was then handed to me... hehehe....
happy birthday bro!! i must have got to pick first in heaven when i chose my syblings!!
check out the pics. one is of me and little z, the other is of big Z with his own 'mini me'... seriously- dont you think they look like they could have been twins!!??!!