Thursday, April 2, 2009

no pants...

well friends- if you haven't read the next blog entry (moriyama naotaro), please read that first- then come back and read this one.

welcome back!
so- to cut to the chase, as you can see by the picture, no new pants... no pants...

i was looking forward to hearing back from my agency about the tour. that night- my manager called with bad news. at the second round of auditions (the one that we were told was to find my understudy) they found someone who could do all of the tour dates. i was so disappointed. i was really looking forward to doing this job- but now that it has been almost a week since the bad news, i am finally able to see the positives about not being selected. the biggest one is how free my schedule will be to do other jobs.

i am sure that something worthwhile will come along.

i will keep the blog-sters posted as to fun updates. thank you for all of your support!! hope to hear from you all soon!


TeresaKDanielson said...

You are so freaking amazing. I am so proud of all the things you do. I only wish you were here in the states so I could see all the wonderful things you do. Call me selfish, I know. You look great!! I think I need a poster size picture to give out to all my little teeny boppers on my bus. You look HOT baby!!!! LOL

Dennis & Hollie said...

Have you seen the Robin Williams film, "The Birdcage"? A line comes to mind: "I don't like to wear pants. I don't like to wear pants because they make me fall down." Okay so the line is, "I don't like to wear shoes. I don't like to wear shoes because they make me fall down." Somehow when I see this picture I think that there must be a really good reason you are parading around in your Calving Klein under-roos! Love you! Miss you!

Suz said...

um...I have some extra pants if you need them.

kanaboke said...

only Tsutomu Kun can come up with such a fun pic for such a sad post...I'm sad you didn't make it, but like you said, you'll have more time to do other shows!!!!! WootWoot!

Kar said...

"That's the biz," as they say. :) I'm sure you'll find something else to do in those time slots. You are a busy boy. Good for you for looking at the positives.